How long until you should see a doctor from a headache?

How long until you should see a doctor from a headache?
I have had a headache, or just some sharp shooting pains in one part of my head rather, and I was wondering: after how many days should you see a doctor? I’ve had it for 3 days now. Thank-you if you answer !

There are losts of good answers, but the best answer:

Answer by bill g
sooner rather than later — good luck

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What should I do about my attendance at school because of migraine All kinds of Headache?

What should I do about my attendance at school because of migraine All kinds of Headache?
I have migraine All kinds of Headache and i usually need to spend time in an quiet & dark room. I also have verdigo along side with it, and i couldn’t go to school for 2 weeks already. What should i do so my absences don’t count against me ?

There are losts of good answers, but the best answer:

Answer by Zenobia
If you missed school, you missed school, regardless for what reason. So there isnt anything you can do so they dont count it against you.

If this is something that is happening frequently through out the year, I recommend homeschooling. Especially if you need to be in a quiet and dark place, like your home.

Sorry. 🙁

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