What is the best way to get rid of a severe migraine?

What is the best way to get rid of a severe migraine?
I have severe migraines everyday. I wake up it’s there, I go to sleep it’s still there. For the past 6 years I have lived with a migraine that never goes away. I’ve tried all of the major OTCs and prescription medications for headaches and nothing ever works. If there is some odd, non-medication treatment (besides accupuncture which failed to work for me) that you’ve tried and it worked for you please let me know.
I’ve also been to many doctors because of this, I’ve spent time at MHNI (Michigan Head pain and Neurological Institute) which specializes in headaches, and they can’t even tell me what’s wrong.

There are losts of good answers, but the best answer:

Answer by zierenteka

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What is the best medication for severe All kinds of Headache?

What is the best medication for severe All kinds of Headache?
I had a stroke when I was 27, 2 years ago. Since the stroke I have had severe All kinds of Headache. I’ve tried topomax, fioricet, vicodin, and percocet. What is the best pain reliever for headaces post brain trauma? My MD is so busy, I just met with her and it’s difficult to keep her in the room. Looking for good info.
Can’t take Ibprophen bc of risk of blook clots.

There are losts of good answers, but the best answer:

Answer by ChrisCT
eat icecream 😀

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