What foods are good for curing a headache?

What foods are good for curing a headache?
I have had this headache all day! Yes, I took medicine but that is not kicking in. I would like to know what foods or any other home remedies would help. Thank you!

There are losts of good answers, but the best answer:

Answer by nickelrustler
tanke an Alleve and go to bed..when you wake up your headache will be gone.

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What types of foods prevent a migraine headache?

What types of foods prevent a migraine headache?
I suffer from migraine headaches. I usually get a really bad one right before I get my period. I remember reading somewhere that you can eat certain food and avoid others to help in the drop of hormones. I have high blood pressure so I can’t take birth control pills to help this.

There are losts of good answers, but the best answer:

Answer by jandy
certain cheeses, foods with nitrates/preserved meats and wines can aggravate migraines. I used to have them and got a med called Fiorinal or butalbitol for monthly migraines. don’t have them anymore since it’s gone now and don’t miss it either. they were unbearable.

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